Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fun Pictures

Here are a few more fun pictures Joan took a few weeks ago:

Although he looks terrified, really he is quite happy! This is the face that goes along with a very recognizable scream/song!

This is just a sweet toothy smile to counter the scary pic above!


Monday, February 18, 2008

Catching up

OK, so it seems that our technical problems are over! Keep you fingers crossed! I have put a bunch of pictures up to try to bring you up to date on what has been going on in this Dender house.

Reed love his Leo!! Oh, and he loved chewing on his "nose sucker"! Lol! Most of you know that you will do whatever it takes to make your baby happy! And if that means letting him chew on a seriously cleaned "nose sucker" so be it!!

This is from our visit to South Carolina. In the middle of January Ryan, Reed and I traveled up to Charleston to visit some good friends of ours. The trip happened to fall on the same weekend that Reed's 2 bottom teeth decided to finally grace us with their presence. ( Now he has 4 teeth, 2 top and 2 bottom) As exciting as that was, it made for some long nights. Nevertheless we have a great time, and Reed and Jackson seemed to have fun as well!

In the beginning of February Ryan and Reed were both baptized. This was such a special day for our family. Ryan was able to publicly say that he had given over Lordship of his life to his savior Jesus Christ, and as a family we were able to proclaim before God and our congregation that we recognize that Reed is a gift from God, and that we will raise recognizing this daily! Although I have not received any of the pictures from the baptism ( because I was on stage with them - therefore not the one taking the pictures), the picture above is from the same day as the baptism. It reminded me of Risky Business, so I thought I would share it anyways!

This one is just a cute picture of Father and Son around the house!

And one more of our precious happy baby!

I hope this finds you all doing well! I will try to post a VIDEO (Oh BoY) soon of Reed crawling around, and pulling up and such! Glad to be back in the blogging world, and hope to post more often!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's Amazing!!

It Works!!!! After almost 2 months of technical troubles I finally am able to upload this picture. I don't know what is different about this one...but who cares! I am still not able to upload some others, so maybe it has something to do with our camera?! Above is our little man "hammin'" it up for our close friend Joan! ( I guess the blog likes her camera?) Anyways, he has such a great personality, and LOVES people. He constantly flirts with all the ladies we come across, and is always getting the attention back from them that he wants!
Reed is now eating baby food, at least twice a day. His favorites are applesauce and sweet potatoes..and definitley HATES bananas!!
He has 4 teeth now, two bottom and two top! Hopefully he will go back to sleeping through the night because it seems that those pesky little teeth have been waking him up quite often for the last 2 1/2 months!!
He is also crawling around, and getting into plenty of trouble. He loves Leo (our dog) and loves to play in his bowls! YUCK!
Reed also recently moved up to a big boy bathtub, and seems to enjoy bathtime!!

Well, I wish I could put some more pics up...this is getting frustrating!! I will try again later!!
In the mean time, you can be praying for our family, and our lack of sleep! ;)