...take your sweet 18mth baby boy for his first REAL haircut!! Though this was an unintentional mistake..it turned out OK.
I have loved my sweet Reed's hair and was dreading having to cut it..but was persuaded by my husband. SO, off we went to Super Cuts. I told the woman I liked his hair and just wanted it trimmed so it would be out of his eyes...and what does she do? Well look for yourself...
Note: This is how I felt at this moment as well!!
In case you couldn't see in the picture the lady used BUZZERS to cut his hair...not just a trim!!!
Needless to say I got in the car, immediately called Ryan, and started crying saying "NEVER EVER AGAIN!"
The haircut isn't so bad. He looks SO much older...but still cute. I actually had to do a little adjusting this morning because she left the bangs really long - once I started to freak out. I guess it is time for my little boy to start growing up...I just didn't want it to be so soon.
Here is the finished product:
Now you can see his face! However, don't be surprised if the long hair is back in a few months. :)