Reed Evan DenderMay 30, 2007
Well there he is! He made is appearance a little bit early- well how about a month early. He is a healthy baby boy who weighed 5lbs 7oz when he was born! I can't imagine if he had stayed in there for 4 more weeks!! YIKES! Apart from a somewhat uncomfortable surgery after his birth everything went well. My water broke at about 3 a.m. on the 30th, and because my GBS test was positive we quickly went to triage to get antibiotics. Now, I don't think I have mentioned yet that is was almost a very full moon! Yeah, so you can imagine how busy triage was. Shortly after I arrived another woman ( a Labor and Delivery nurse) came in and jumped in a bed next to me and had her baby in about 2 minutes! It was crazy!! All of the beds in Triage were full, and so were the rooms in Labor and Delivery. Ryan and I waited in Triage for about 5 hours, waiting for people to give birth. Meanwhile, I was also waiting for contractions to start on their own, so that I wouldn't have to have pitocin. However, that didn't happen. Even after some uncomfortable walking around the contractions were still not happening! I was put on pitocin around 9 a.m. and things started to progress quickly after that. I spent some time in the tub, and on the birth ball, and come 4:30 I was ready to push. I only pushed for about 15 minutes, and with a little help from a vaccum suction Reed was born at 4:42!! :)
We are so thrilled to get to meet the little man that has been living inside of me for the last 9 months. It still doesn't seem possible that he was INSIDE of ME!!
Ryan is an amazing Dad, just like I knew he would be, and of course he is an amazing husband!!
I will try and keep this updated, and of course post some more pictures as soon as I can!!